I am pretty sure that I am burnt out. I am not a medical doctor or a therapist or anything, but I am tired and unmotivated and am simply languishing. According to an article in Forbes https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnrampton/2015/05/13/the-6-causes-of-professional-burnout-and-how-to-avoid-them/?sh=373c4a211dde by John Rampton, the causes include a lack of control, insufficient reward, lack of community, an absence of…
Category: Indigenous
Between Us and the Stars
The night sky is a fantastic sight, stars moving across the sky, twinkling and shining. It feels as if we are related to the stars, they are like watchful grandparents. The stars have been there for millennia, watched by our ancestors and the stars watching back. Our ancestors wrote stories in the stars even before…